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How Social Media Can Impact Your Personal Injury Case

Davis Law Center

The widespread adoption of social media has had many unexpected consequences, including detrimental effects on Michigan personal injury cases. While you might think your posts are private, the insurance company reviewing your case has ways to view your profile and use your posts against you.

Remember, the insurance company is not your friend. It wants to deny your claim if it can or get you to accept less than you deserve so that it can save itself and its shareholders money. And because insurance companies can access your social media posts, it’s crucial to know what to avoid posting and how to protect yourself.

Ways Insurance Companies Can Use Your Social Media Posts Against You

There are multiple ways insurance companies can use your social media posts against you in a Michigan personal injury case, including:

  • Photos or videos – Maintaining a consistent account of your injuries from an accident and their severity is essential to maximizing your compensation. Photos or videos showing you participating in physical activities can undercut your claim by suggesting your injuries aren’t as bad as you say. Even something as simple as a photo of you spending time with friends or family outside your home could hurt your claim. It’s also worth noting that even if you don’t post any photos or videos yourself, your friends or family might post a photo or video of you, which could damage your claim.
  • Written statements – While less obvious than photos, text posts create a paper trail that the insurance company would love to use against you. Perhaps you shared details of the accident with your followers that contradict statements you made to the adjuster. Perhaps you told the adjuster that you were housebound, but you mentioned to a friend online that you were planning to go out for drinks that evening. The insurance company could use any inconsistencies in these accounts against you.
  • Location data – Insurance companies don’t even need your updates or photos of your activities to undercut your claim, as they can use location data from your posts to track your movements and weaken your case. For instance, if you tell an insurance company that your injuries have largely left you homebound, a post from another location might suggest you’re exaggerating about your injuries.

How To Prevent Insurance Companies from Using Your Social Media Posts Against You

The best way to keep an insurance company from using your social media posts against you is to refrain from posting until your case concludes. Staying offline means you won’t post anything that could hurt your case. If you want to talk to your friends and family about the accident, do so in person, and avoid discussing the specifics of the accident or your injuries.

It’s also important to ask your friends and family not to post anything about the accident or tag you in any posts. While they don’t want to hurt your case, they could accidentally say or post something that might do so.

Finally, set your profiles to private if you haven’t done so already, and do not accept any new friend or connection requests while your claim is pending. While insurance companies can find ways to view your social media accounts even when they’re supposedly private, you can avoid making it easier for them.

How a Michigan Lawyer Can Help

While practicing good social media habits is important to protecting your insurance claim after an accident, it’s even more critical that you work with an experienced attorney. They can negotiate with the insurance company to secure a fair settlement on your behalf so that you have the money you need to get your life back on track.

The Davis Law Center is here to safeguard your privacy and be your champion in your fight for fair compensation after an accident. Call us today or reach out online for a free consultation.

About the Author Neil Davis, owner of Davis Law Center, is a seasoned attorney specializing in personal injury cases. With over 30 years of experience, he has successfully secured millions in compensation for injured individuals. Neil is a dedicated advocate for justice and an active member of legal associations. Personal injury law is complex and best handled by a competent attorney who can effectively evaluate, prepare, present, and fight to win your case. Neil prides himself on doing all these things for his clients and would be honored to have the opportunity to discuss your case with you.

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I was nothing less than impressed from Neil Davis. He was on my case before I ever left the scene of my accident. I would recommend him to anyone who is involved in an...


I have used Mr. Davis’ service twice in the past 10+ years to handle litigation regarding unpaid No-Fault benefits. He is honest, fair and provides expert handling of...


My case was difficult but Neil got me as much as I could get for my situation. I would definitely recommend.


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